Corporate Programs

The word “Corporate Life” invokes visions of Stress, Anxiety, Pressure, Tension and Work-Life imbalance.

My programs help you manage your lifestyle along with your abilities. It is about managing your personal ecosystem with the environment of professional demands. It is about enhancing efficiency and skill sets and balancing several balls in the air – with dexterity.

  • Re.F.I.T the drawing board
  • Managing the Mind
  • Building a Culture of Commitment
  • Leadership
  • Change Management
  • Principles of a successful & holistic life
  • Goal setting
  • Negotiations Skills
  • Conflict Management and Resolution
  • Management today and The Indian Scriptures
  • The Spiritual Essence For Growth
  • Personal Management – Self – Improvement
  • Stress | Anger | Relationship Management
  • Team Building and Importance of Diversity
  • Importance of Making Choices and Decisions
  • Optimizing the Self
  • Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Work-Life Balance
If you are interested to experience the fundamentals… Let’s Talk, Learn and Live Your Knowledge


Leadership, Teamwork and You

There is lot of demand for conducting Leadership programs at all levels – starting from schools to colleges to Corporates.

But why of late, is there such a surge for these requests ?

Is it because we lack good leaders or is it because everyone wishes to know what makes a good leader or is it a bit of both ? | Are qualities of leadership universal ? | Does a good student leader necessarily progress to make a good national leader ? | Does a good corporate leader automatically show these skill sets at home to inspire his / her family and children ? | Does knowing what makes a good leader make everyone ready for the game ? | Are leaders born, made or sometimes just thrust into positions where they compulsorily need to quickly acquire the required skills ? | Why does one want to become a good leader – for the power, position of authority, money or something else ? | Is becoming a good leader an end in itself or is that just one step closer to something larger?

For me, identifying the self and the environment – Team Work is the key.

Every link in an environment is a leader. A good leader is a good follower. A good leader is a good listener.

A good leader is empathetic to 3 goals simultaneously. What are these?

In my experience of conducting Leadership workshops, I have observed that the principles can be very different for different people and environments and they need to be addressed accordingly.

Interested to be part of the Leadership sessions?


Improving Self Productivity

In an age of excesses there is so much pressure on resources, the whole world seems to be scurrying towards improving productivity of resources – be it land, air, water, fuel or people.

For people and teams, the tangible measure of success is deliverance of goals.

Resources are limited and optimization is the key. There is always scope for improvement. Obsession with performance is drilled into the head right from childhood. It often becomes a pressure point to the effect that this obsession for productivity and performance more often than not becomes an impediment in itself.

The fact however remains that one of the goals of human existence is to enhance self-productivity to ostensibly “move up the ladder”. It is a measure of success and confidence. The individual Mind plays a major role here along with inherent skills of organizational behavior and how one can conduct oneself effectively in various situations.

Research has shown that in a normal lifetime of an average Human we under-utilize our lung capacity and don’t optimize our brain functions. We are so caught up in busyness that we are not mindful of our goals and actions. Add to that the various pressures and demands on us leading us to feeble attempts at multi-tasking.

Of course we can improve our application and productivity. This can be done effectively and as a matter of fact with less pressure and stress. It may sound contradictory but in reality go together. We are drawn to make this mutually exclusive – which we need not.

Sessions on improved productivity can be very helpful. Let me know when you’re ready


Dovetailing Own Goals with Your Organization

It’s important to remain positive and optimistic. It’s also essential that we don’t blinker ourselves to the faults in the foundations of our personal configuration.

Personal Goal setting in alliance with Goals of the organization we work in are important for our self-growth.

Unless both are in sync most of the time, we tend to get disturbed and unsettled. It is not necessary that they will be in sync all the time. It becomes our responsibility to ensure that we see the larger picture – in medium and long term. This has a lot to do with personal skill management and development, man management, financial management and emotional balance.

In an organization we are part of the whole and yet without each one of us there will be a hole.

In similar terms our goals and aspirations need to be in line with where we are going with the organization. This can be quite tricky. It sets us thinking and quite often could leads us to some impulsive decisions.

Medium and long terms goals are an important ingredients which one should always keep in mind.

Interested in sessions on improved productivity?